Making Contributions

Contribution Process

Ready to contribute? Here's how to setup Pyreal for local development, and make contributions

  • Clone the pyreal repo onto your local machine and cd into the new directory:

git clone
cd pyreal
git checkout dev
  • Install the project dependencies using Poetry.

poetry install
  • Create a branch for local development. You should always be branching off of the dev branch when contributing. Give your branch a descriptive name that describes what change you will be making. Each branch should aim to resolve at most one issue.

git checkout -b name-of-your-bugfix-or-feature
  • Now you can make your changes locally. While making your changes, make sure to cover all your additions with the required unit tests, and that none of the old tests fail as a consequence of your changes. For this, make sure to run the tests suite and check the code coverage:

poetry run invoke lint       # Check code styling
poetry run invoke test       # Run the tests
poetry run invoke coverage   # Get the coverage report

# Other helpful commands:
poetry run invoke fix-lint   # Run the auto-fomatter (fixes most linting errors)
poetry run invoke test-unit  # Run only unit tests
poetry run invoke test-tutorials # Run only the tutorial scripts
  • Make also sure to include the necessary documentation in the code as docstrings following the Google docstrings style guide. Test the autodocs generation process by running:

poetry run invoke view-docs
  • Any PR that includes a new Explainer class, significant changes to an existing Explainer class, or significant changes to the explanation workflow as a whole should also include the results of a benchmarking run. See Benchmarking Guidelines for more info.

  • After running all test and docs commands listed above and confirming they work correctly, commit your changes and push your branch to GitHub:

git add .
git commit -m "Your detailed description of your changes."
git push origin name-of-your-bugfix-or-feature
  • Submit a pull request through the GitHub website, merging back into dev.

  • Once you have a minimum of two approvals, you can merge your branch in. Branches should be deleted on merge.

Last updated
