Benchmarking Guidelines

When to run benchmarking:

PR's should include results and logs from a new benchmarking run whenever:

  1. A PR includes a new Explainer class. In this case, a new benchmark Challenge class must also be added (see below).

  2. A PR includes significant changes to an existing Explainer class (when in doubt, ask reviewers).

  3. A PR includes significant changes to the general fit-produce explanation workflow.

It's a good idea to run the benchmarking procedure for all PRs, as it can catch subtle bugs that may be missed by other tests (if this happens, it should be reported in a Github issue, so more tests can be added). However, unless a PR falls under one of the categories listed above, results and logs should not be pushed to the repo.

How to run benchmarking

The benchmarking process can be run using:

$ poetry run invoke benchmark

This will run the process, and save the results to pyreal/benchmark/results.

To run the benchmarking process without leaving a results directory (ie, for testing):

$ poetry run invoke benchmark-no-log

This will run the process, and delete the results directory at the end.

To run the benchmarking process while downloading the benchmark datasets locally (this will speed up future runs):

$ poetry run invoke benchmark-download

Adding challenges

If your PR adds a new Explainer class, you must add a corresponding Challenge class in the same PR. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Add a file called [$explainer_name] to the corresponding place in pyreal/benchmark/challenges.

  2. Fill this file out using this template, following the example of the others::

$ class [$ExplainerName]Challenge(ExplainerChallenge):
$    def create_explainer(self):
$        return [$ExplainerName](model=self.dataset.model, x_train_orig=self.dataset.X,
                                 transformers=self.dataset.transforms, fit_on_init=True)

3. Add the new challenge to pyreal/benchmark/main.get_challenges()

Last updated
